Michael Cremo: Lost Civilizations from Earth’s Prehistoric Past
Michael Cremo: Lost Civilizations from Earth’s Prehistoric Past If we did not evolve from apes, then where did we...
Howard Crowhurst: Megaliths, Forgotten World
Howard Crowhurst: Megaliths, Forgotten World Thousands of years ago, before the Romans, before the Greeks, even before the Old...
Ani Williams: Ancient Temples of the Pyrenees
Ani Williams: Ancient Temples of the Pyrenees “The breadth and depth of your book is awe-inspiring—a compilation of ancient...
Deyo, Le Flem, de Leon: 2024 The Year in Review
Deyo, Le Flem, de Leon: 2024 The Year in Review In this program, we look at the discoveries that...
George Haas: Our Mars Ancestry
George Haas: Our Mars Ancestry A deep investigation of mysterious geometric structures on the surface of Mars • Explores...
Charlie Ziese: Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio
Charlie Ziese: Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio Charlie Ziese is a visionary in the field of pyramid science...
Brien Foerster: Strange Earth Humans
Brien Foerster: Strange Earth Humans Brien Foerster was born in Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. but grew up on the west...
Dr. Lydia de Leon: The Power of Sacred Locations
Dr. Lydia de Leon: The Power of Sacred Locations Geophilia is an institute dedicated to understanding the science of...
Alex Kuzmin: Making History, The Future of Archaeology
Alex Kuzmin: Making History, The Future of Archaeology Archaeology is the study of human activity through the recovery and...
Mike Ricksecker: Portals to the Stars, Inside Stargates, Atlantis, and Secrets of Ancient Egypt
Mike Ricksecker: Portals to the Stars, Inside Stargates, Atlantis, and Secrets of Ancient Egypt Continue your journey in the...
Dr. Heather Lynn: Baphomet Revealed
Dr. Heather Lynn: Baphomet Revealed What is Baphomet? This comprehensive and accessible history sets the record straight on a...
Paul Anthony Wallis: Escaping From Eden
Paul Anthony Wallis: Escaping From Eden What were the world’s ancestral stories before they became viewed as fiction and...
Glenn Kreisberg: Ceremonial Stoneworks of America
Glenn Kreisberg: Ceremonial Stoneworks of America Ceremonial stone landscapes (CSLs) are significant archaeological features found throughout Northeast America, including...
Andrew Collins: Karahan Tepe
Andrew Collins: Karahan Tepe An in-depth investigation of the ancient structures at Karahan Tepe, its builders, and its cosmic...
Dr. Mark Carlotto: Ice Age City Found in Mexico
Dr. Mark Carlotto: Ice Age City Found in Mexico The “eye” in Mexico looks a lot like the “eye”...
Ed Barnhart: The Forgotten Island of Rapa Nui
Ed Barnhart: The Forgotten Island of Rapa Nui The Rapa Nui people are the original inhabitants of Rapa Nui...
Greg Little: Native American Mounds and Earthworks
Greg Little: Native American Mounds and Earthworks Visiting ancient mounds & earthworks in the United States is a great...
Jahannah James: Ancient Anomalies
Jahannah James: Ancient Anomalies Jahannah James is a British Actress/Comedian who ventured into researching Ancient Pre-History during the global...
Jim Vieira: Edgar Cayce’s Giants
Jim Vieira: Edgar Cayce’s Giants Twentieth Century Psychic and Medical Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (pronounced Kay-Cee, 1877-1945) has been called...
Robert Temple: The Unknown Pyramids of Greece
Robert Temple: The Unknown Pyramids of Greece Professor Robert Temple is an independent scholar and author of a dozen...
Derek Olson: Megalithic Marvels
Derek Olson: Megalithic Marvels Derek Olson is a research investigator and podcast host at Stargate Voyager. https://www.youtube.com/@stargate_voyager https://www.instagram.com/stargatevoyager/ https://open.spotify.com/show/00Vv5lwiIMA04Q67TG6BJh
Joseph Selbie: The Yugas and the Golden Age of Man
Joseph Selbie: The Yugas and the Golden Age of Man Today’s view of history cannot account for ancient anomalies,...
Jack Kelley: The Atlantis Puzzle
Jack Kelley: The Atlantis Puzzle The Atlantis Puzzle, written and directed by Jack Kelley, might seem like some Ancient...
Adam Stokes: Hermes and the Hermetica
Adam Stokes: Hermes and the Hermetica Hermetic writings, works of revelation on occult, theological, and philosophical subjects ascribed to...
Manu Seyfzadeh: Edfu, Temple of Mystery
Manu Seyfzadeh: Edfu, Temple of Mystery Edfu Temple: Unveiling the Splendor of Ancient Egyptian WorshipStep into the magnificent world...
Michael Le Flem: The Cultural Curiosities of Atlantis
Michael Le Flem: The Cultural Curiosities of Atlantis People the world over have grappled with the story of Atlantis...
Keith Thompson: The UFO Paradox
Keith Thompson: The UFO Paradox Examines both the physical and the spiritual sides of the UFO debate • Looks...
Freddy Silva: Portals: Energetic Doorways Between Worlds
Freddy Silva: Portals: Energetic Doorways Between Worlds A portal is a point of possibility, a step into a thousand...
David Mathisen: Star Myths of the World
David Mathisen: Star Myths of the World David Warner Mathisen explores the world’s ancient myths, scriptures, and sacred stories...
Luke Caverns: Lost World Archaeology
Luke Caverns: Lost World Archaeology I’m Luke Caverns. With a degree in Anthropology, I have taken to Education-entertainment to...
Taylor Keen: Rediscovering Turtle Island
Taylor Keen: Rediscovering Turtle Island An exploration of Indigenous cosmology and history in North America • Examines the complexities...
Chandra Wickramasinghe: Panspermia, and the Cosmic Origins of Life
Chandra Wickramasinghe: Panspermia, and the Cosmic Origins of Life With the rapid growth of new evidence from astronomy, space...
Dr. Kara Cooney: Recycling for Death
Dr. Kara Cooney: Recycling for Death A meticulous study of the social, economic, and religious significance of coffin reuse...
Danny Hillman: Gunung Padang, The Oldest Pyramid on Earth
Danny Hillman: Gunung Padang, The Oldest Pyramid on Earth According to Danny Hilman, the data that supports their findings...
Randall Carlson: The Younger Dryas Impact
Randall Carlson: The Younger Dryas Impact Randall Carlson is a master builder, geometrician, architectural designer, teacher and “renegade scholar.”...
Dr. Steven Collins: The Cosmic Impact and Destruction of Sodom
Dr. Steven Collins: The Cosmic Impact and Destruction of Sodom The fascinating, true account of the quest for one...
Scott Wolter: Oak Island, Knights Templar and the Holy Grail
Scott Wolter: Oak Island, Knights Templar and the Holy Grail One of the most enduring mysteries of all time...
Camille Sauve: Master Stonemasons of Ancient Peru
Camille Sauve: Master Stonemasons of Ancient Peru Proof of a long-forgotten ancient worldwide civilization • Explains the three distinct...
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Mystery of the Olmec
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Mystery of the Olmec Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin...
David Longbear Sinapass: Star People, Prophesy and the Age of Wisdom
David Longbear Sinapass: Star People, Prophesy and the Age of Wisdom David Lonebear Sanipass is the last remaining...
Bill Brown & Trevor Grassi: The Secret Underworld of Giza
Bill Brown & Trevor Grassi: The Secret Underworld of Giza Trevor Grassi is an independent researcher studying prehistoric evidence...
LA Marzulli: Path of the Nephilim in America
LA Marzulli: Path of the Nephilim in America L. A. Marzulli is an author, lecturer, and filmmaker. He has...
Ben Van Kerkwyk: The Unknown History of Egypt
Ben Van Kerkwyk: The Unknown History of Egypt My name is Ben van Kerkwyk, welcome to UnchartedX. I’m a...
Maria Wheatley: Longheads and the Secret History of Stonehenge
Maria Wheatley: Longheads and the Secret History of Stonehenge New Book Reveals What the Archaeologists Won’t Tell You A...
Shehnaz Soni: Awakening, Transformation and UAP’s
Shehnaz Soni: Awakening, Transformation and UAPs The Quantum Being is for anyone looking for inspiration, direction, and comprehension to...
Irving Finkel: Cuneiforms, Ghosts and Speaking with the Dead
Irving Finkel: Cuneiforms, Ghosts and Speaking with the Dead Dr Irving Finkel, curator at the British Museum, explores why...
Bibhu Dev Misra: Yuga Shift, The Impending Planetary Transformation
Bibhu Dev Misra: Yuga Shift, The Impending Planetary Transformation Almost every ancient culture believed that human civilization and consciousness...
Alexander Milovanov: The Music of the Divine Spheres
Alexander Milovanov: The Music of the Divine Spheres ‘A remarkable book by Alexander Milovanov – once you open it,...
Jose Maria Barrera; Dendera, Temple of Time
Jose Maria Barrera: Dendera, Temple of Time A full-color exploration of the encoded ceiling at the Temple of Dendera...
Dr. Kathleen Ball: A Grail Quest, the Knights Templar in Brazil
Dr. Kathleen Ball: A Grail Quest, the Knights Templar in Brazil Grail Quests often begin with what seems like...
Christopher Dunn: Tesla, The Giza Connection
Christopher Dunn: Tesla, The Giza Connection Reveals how the pyramids of Egypt were sophisticated generators of clean energy •...
Aleksander Czeszkiewicz: Deja Vu, Has Everything Already Been?
Aleksander Czeszkiewicz: Deja Vu, Has Everything Already Been? UNCOVER THE BIGGEST SECRETS OF OUR DISTANT PAST! An amazing journey...
Matt LaCroix: The Epic of Humanity
Matt LaCroix: The Epic of Humanity This book includes: · The largest collection of ancient texts ever contained in...
Mohamed Ibrahim: Egypt Before Written History
Mohamed Ibrahim: Egypt Before Written History Embark on a journey through the mists of time with Mohamed Ibrahim Elbassiouny...
Stephan Schwartz: Remote Viewing 2024 and the Future
Stephan Schwartz: Remote Viewing 2024 and the Future Stephan Schwartz, is a scientist, futurist and award-winning author of both...
Deyo, LaCroix, Willis: 2023, The Year in Review
Deyo, LaCroix, Willis: 2023, The Year in Review We look at a few important historic discoveries that made news...
Michael Cremo: The Yugas, A Galactic War for Earth, and our Censored History
Michael Cremo: The Yugas, A Galactic War for Earth, and our Censored History The soul that I am entered...
Graham Hancock: Earth’s Hidden History
Graham Hancock: Earth’s Hidden History Graham Hancock is the author the forthcoming Magicians of the Gods, and of the...
Robert Temple: Lost Technology of the Ancient World
Robert Temple: Lost Technology of the Ancient World Lying unnoticed in many museums around the world are large numbers...
William Henry: Ancient Aliens, Ascension and the Future of Mankind
William Henry: Ancient Aliens, Ascension and the Future of Mankind William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and...
John Michael Greer: The Secret of the Temple
John Michael Greer: The Secret of the Temple Over thousands of years, the priests and sages of the ancient...
Anthony Woods: Atlantis Ireland
Anthony Woods: Atlantis Ireland Every once in a while a book comes along that changes everything. Atlantis Ireland is...
John Michael Greer: The Ceremony of the Grail
John Michael Greer: The Ceremony of the Grail Delve into Ancient Mysteries with Some of Freemasonry’s Most Guarded Secrets...
James Wood: The Great Pyramids of China
James Wood: The Great Pyramids of China For many, the pyramids of Egypt take the centre stage when discussing...
Hugh Newman: New Discoveries at Gobekli and Karahan Tepe
Hugh Newman: New Discoveries at Gobekli and Karahan Tepe Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe: The World’s First Megaliths What...
Joseph Selbie: The Physics of God
Joseph Selbie: The Physics of God The explanations of transcendent phenomena given by saints, sages, and near-death experiencers—miracles, immortality,...
Dr. Mark Carlotto: Egypt’s Forgotten Labyrinth
Dr. Mark Carlotto: Egypt’s Forgotten Labyrinth The legendary Labyrinth of Hawara was brought to the attention of the Western...
Walter Cruttenden: Ancient Cosmology
Walter Cruttenden: Ancient Cosmology Walter Cruttenden, studies ancient cosmology and astronomy. As Director of the Binary Research Institute, he...
Julie Ryder: The Megaliths of Montana
Julie Ryder: The Megaliths of Montana The Montana Megaliths, a captivating collection of towering dolmens, intricate polygonal block...
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Angkor Wat, Pyramids and the Zenith Passage
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Angkor Wat, Pyramids and the Zenith Passage Dr. Barnhart has worked in Mexico and Central America...
Rafael Eissmann: Polar Antarctic Origins of Mankind
Rafael Eissmann: Polar Antarctic Origins of Mankind Rafael Videla Eissmann (Chile, 1979) is a historian graduated from Universidad Católica...
James Martin: Uncharted, Voyages to the Americas Before Columbus
James Martin: Uncharted, Voyages to the Americas Before Columbus An exploration of the history, mythology, and evidence of those...
Stephan Schwartz: Psychic Archaeology
Stephan Schwartz: Psychic Archaeology “My life has been spent exploring extraordinary human functioning, and how individuals and small groups...
Russell Targ: Remote Viewing, Past, Present, Future
Russell Targ: Remote Viewing, Past, Present, Future Russell Targ has been successfully teaching people how to get in touch...
Freddy Silva: Mystery of the Maya
Freddy Silva: Mystery of the Maya The Maya appeared in Yucatan seemingly out of nowhere in 3100 BC. But...
Mohamed Ibrahim: Unknown Architects of Egypt’s Colossal Sculpture
Mohamed Ibrahim: Unknown Architects of Egypt’s Colossal Sculpture Guide of Egypt Tours are presenting a completely different concept about...
Graham Phillips: The Mystery of Doggerland
Graham Phillips: The Mystery of Doggerland A scientific exploration of the advanced ancient civilization known as Doggerland or Fairland...
Robert Temple: The Sirius Mystery, Revisited
Robert Temple: The Sirius Mystery, Revisited Convincing evidence that the Egyptian, Sumerian, and Dogon civilizations were founded by aliens...
Steve Kallman: The Secret Code of the Step Pyramid
Steve Kallman: The Secret Code of the Step Pyramid We know little about the famous great sage, Imhotep, who...
Marc Seifer: Tesla: Wizard at War, the Particle Beam Weapon, and the Pursuit of Power
Marc Seifer: Tesla: Wizard at War, the Particle Beam Weapon, and the Pursuit of Power In this insightful and...
CITD Series: Sarah Breskman Cosme, A Hypnotherapist Journey to the Secrets of the Sphinx
CITD Series: Sarah Breskman Cosme, A Hypnotherapist Journey to the Secrets of the Sphinx Her hands were strapped down...
CITD Series: Manu Seyfzadeh, New Satellite Technology Reveals Lost Pyramid Science
CITD Series: Manu Seyfzadeh, New Satellite Technology Reveals Lost Pyramid Science Manu Seyfzadeh is of Persian and German descent....
James Canton: Grounded: A Journey into the Landscape of our Ancestors
James Canton: Grounded: A Journey into the Landscape of our Ancestors From the author of The Oak Papers comes...
Dr. John Brandenburg: Confessions of a NASA Space Scientist
Dr. John Brandenburg: Confessions of a NASA Space Scientist New proof of a nuclear catastrophe on Mars! In an...
Jacques Privat: Mysteries of the Far North
Jacques Privat: Mysteries of the Far North Presents evidence of early Norse settlement in Greenland and North America •...
Normandi Ellis: The Ancient Tradition of Angels
Normandi Ellis: The Ancient Tradition of Angels Explains that angels are beings of light consciousness, here to help our...
Andrew Collins: Sobekneferu, The First Female Pharaoh
Andrew Collins: Sobekneferu, The First Female Pharaoh The cult, magic, reign, and resurrection of the first female ruler in...
Dr. Richard Hansen: Uncovering the Maya Superhighways
Dr. Richard Hansen: Uncovering the Maya Superhighways LiDAR analyses in the contiguous Mirador-Calakmul Karst Basin, Guatemala: an introduction to...
Dr. Paulette Steeves: The Indigenous History of North America
Dr. Paulette Steeves: The Indigenous History of North America The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere is a reclaimed...
Michael Le Flem: Visions of Atlantis
Michael Le Flem: Visions of Atlantis Unravel History’s Greatest Mystery People the world over have grappled with the story...
Dr. Mark Carlotto: Beyond Atlantis, Vestiges of the World’s Lost Civilizations
Dr. Mark Carlotto: Beyond Atlantis, Vestiges of the World’s Lost Civilizations In Before Atlantis, Mark Carlotto considers the idea...
Carole Nervig: The Lost Legacy of Lemuria
Carole Nervig: The Lost Legacy of Lemuria • Shows how the archetypal symbols of the Pohnpaid petroglyphs have exact...
Robert Temple: A New Science of Heaven
Robert Temple: A New Science of Heaven The story of the science of plasma and its revolutionary implications for...
Gunnar Hiptman: The Subterranean Temples of Austria
Gunnar Hiptman: The Subterranean Temples of Austria A hypogeum or hypogaeum (plural hypogea or hypogaea, pronounced /haɪpɒɡeɪə/; literally meaning...
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Lord Pacal and the Maya City of Palenque
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Lord Pacal and the Maya City of Palenque Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque A...
Mohamed Ibrahim: Egypt Before Written History
Mohamed Ibrahim: Egypt Before Written History Egyptologist, Hieroglyphics Expert, Tour Guide and Director, Mohamed Ibrahim is inspired by a...
Erich Von Daniken: Evolution is Wrong
Erich Von Daniken: Evolution is Wrong A Fascinating Exploration on Why the Darwinists’ Theory No Longer Explains Everything. Everywhere...
Madeleine Daines: Lost Stones of the Anunnaki
Madeleine Daines: Lost Stones of the Anunnaki Why did the people who wrote in Greek, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, or...
Dr. Chris Hardy, Wars of the Anunnaki
Dr. Chris Hardy: Wars of the Anunnaki Drawing upon the work of Zecharia Sitchin, the Book of Genesis, Sumerian...
Constance Briggs: The Moon’s Galactic History
Constance Briggs: The Moon’s Galactic History The Moon’s Galactic History: A Look at the Moon’s Extraterrestrial Past and Its...
Rafael Eissmann: Lost Civilizations of the Amazon
Rafael Eissmann: Lost Civilizations of the Amazon Rafael Videla Eissmann (Chile, 1979) is a historian who graduated from Universidad ...
Deyo, Fenton, and Dunning: 2022, A Year in Review
Deyo, Fenton, and Dunning: 2022, A Year in Review In this podcast, the Earth Ancients team looks at 2022...
Marco Vigato: Ancient Apocalypse, Mexico
Marco Vigato: Ancient Apocalypse, Mexico The Empires of Atlantis: The Origins of Ancient Civilizations and Mystery Traditions throughout the...
Michael Cremo: Earth’s Sacred Ancestry
Michael Cremo: Earth’s Sacred Ancestry Over the centuries, researchers have found bones and artifacts proving that humans like us...
Robert Schoch: The Soar-Induced Dark Age
Robert Schoch: The Soar-Induced Dark Age A new expanded edition of the groundbreaking investigation into early high cultures and...
Newman & Ainsworth: Secrets of Karahan Tepe
Newman & Ainsworth: Secrets of Karahan Tepe Karahan Tepe is an archaeological site in Şanlıurfa Province in Turkey. The...
Nick Redfern: How Antigravity Built the Pyramids
Nick Redfern: How Antigravity Built the Pyramids Discover the Lost Secrets of the Ancients and the Time When Stones...
Ann Williams: National Geographic, Treasures of Egypt
Ann Williams: National Geographic, Treasures of Egypt Drawing from National Geographic’s unparalleled photo archive, the images in this breathtaking...
Scott Wolter: Uncovering America’s Suppressed History
Scott Wolter: Uncovering America’s Suppressed History Scott F. Wolter is a forensic geologist and television host. He is known...
George Gele: Crescentis, Lost City from Earth’s Forgotten Past – Revisited
George Gele: Crescentis, Lost City from Earth’s Forgotten Past – Revisited Hello! My name is George Gelé and I...
George Haas: Hidden Earth, Hidden History
George Haas: Hidden Earth, Hidden History George J. Haas is founder and premier investigator of The Cydonia Institute which...
Mario Buildreps: 100,000 Years of Man Unknown History
Mario Buildreps: 100,000 Years of Man Unknown History The author, with a pen-name of Mario Buildreps. I am a...
Rafael Videla Eissman: Evidence for Advance Cultures in Ancient South America
Rafael Videla Eissman: Evidence for Advance Cultures in Ancient South America Read 12 Articles by Rafael Rafael Videla Eissmann...
Robert Bauval & Dr. Robert Schoch: The Origins of the Sphinx
Robert Bauval & Dr. Robert Schoch: The Origins of the Sphinx New research and evidence that the Sphinx is...
Bibhu Dev Misra: The Mahabharata and the War for Earth
Bibhu Dev Misra: The Mahabharata and the War for Earth The Kurukshetra War (Sanskrit: कुरुक्षेत्र युद्ध ), also called...
Heather L. Arnold: Aruba, Island of the Giants
Heather L. Arnold: Aruba, Island of the Giants Heather Arnold, a graduate of Syracuse University, had a 15-year career...
John Michael Greer: The UFO Chronicles
John Michael Greer: The UFO Chronicles Beyond the familiar opposition between those who believe that UFOs are spacecraft from...
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Breaking The Maya Code
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Breaking The Maya Code The inside story of one of the great intellectual breakthroughs of our...
Mike Ricksecker: The Lost Science of Stargates
Mike Ricksecker: The Lost Science of Stargates The Stargate is a device created by the Ancients that permits nearly...
Billy Carson: The Black Knight Satellite
Billy Carson: The Black Knight Satellite THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE – BEYOND THE SIGNAL – 1h 18m The Black...
Mohamed Ibrahim: Sacred Science, Geomagnetic Energy and Egypt’s Great Obelisk’s
Mohamed Ibrahim: Sacred Science, Geomagnetic Energy, and Egypt’s Great Obelisks Mohamed Ibrahim and Saba Tours Guide of Egypt Tours...
Mary A. Joyce: Spy in the Sky, Secrets and Cover-ups on Earth and Beyond
Mary A. Joyce: Spy in the Sky, Secrets and Cover-ups on Earth and Beyond “SPY IN THE SKY –...
Edgar Llamozas: Egypt’s Unknown Migration to the Americas
Edgar Llamozas: Egypt’s Unknown Migration to the Americas 1.-WHAT IS THE NAME OF YOUR AMERICAN TRIBE? They are two...
Rob Neyland: The Great Sphinx Revelation
Rob Neyland: The Great Sphinx Revelation Rob Neyland: University of Colorado, Journalism, Advertising, Anthropology. Child of a military family,...
Rev. Jim Willis The Extraterrestrial Question
Rev. Jim Willis The Extraterrestrial Question After graduating from the Eastman School of Music, Jim Willis was a high...
Dr. Heather Lynn: Xenoarchaeology and the Interplanetary Search for Lost Civilizations
Dr. Heather Lynn: Xenoarchaeology and the Interplanetary Search for Lost Civilizations Dr. Heather Lynn is an author, historian, and...
Rafael Eissmann: Forgotten Civilizations of South America
Rafael Eissmann: Forgotten Civilizations of South America Rafael Videla Eissmann (Chile, 1979) is a historian graduated from Universidad Católica...
Stephen W. Hurrell: The Hidden History of Earth Expansion
Stephen W. Hurrell: The Hidden History of Earth Expansion For more than half a century a small group of...
Greg Little: Origins of the Gods, Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences
Greg Little: Origins of the Gods, Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences Explores how our ancestors used shamanic rituals at sacred...
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Angkor Wat, The Khmer and Uncovering the Zenith Passage
Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Angkor Wat, The Khmer and Uncovering the Zenith Passage What is the Solar Zenith Passage? Zenith...
Andrew Collins: Origins of the Gods
Andrew Collins: Origins of the Gods Explores how our ancestors used shamanic rituals at sacred sites to create portals...
Wayne May: Ancient America, Why Our History is Wrong
Wayne May: Ancient America, Why Our History is Wrong About Ancient American Magazine The purpose of Ancient American magazine...
Graham Hancock: Visionary, The Mysterious Origins of Human Consciousness
Graham Hancock: Visionary, The Mysterious Origins of Human Consciousness “With the original unabridged text of Supernatural, I offer the...
George Gele: Ancient America, The Lost City of Crescentis
George Gele: Ancient America, The Lost City of Crescentis ST. BERNARD PARISH, La. — An amateur archeologist says he’s...
Ann R. Williams: National Geographic’s, Lost Cities Ancient Tombs
Ann R. Williams: National Geographic’s, Lost Cities Ancient Tombs Blending high adventure with history, this chronicle of 100 astonishing...
Paul Devereux: The Powers of Ancient and Sacred Places
Paul Devereux: The Powers of Ancient and Sacred Places About the Dragon Project The objective of the Trust is...
Karen Mutton: Ancient Subterranean Cities of Earth
Karen Mutton: Ancient Subterranean Cities of Earth Subterranean Realms is a unique book that surveys underground and rock cut...
Adam Stokes: Ancient America, The Michigan Relics
Adam Stokes: Ancient America, The Michigan Relics Adam Oliver Stokes (born 1981) has degrees in religion from Duke University...
Graham Hancock: Earth’s Forgotten History
Graham Hancock: Earth’s Forgotten History GRAHAM HANCOCK’S books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been...
Mark Gaffney: Deep History and the Ages of Man
Mark Gaffney: Deep History and the Ages of Man Did human civilization begin 5,000 years ago (as we are...
Marco Vigato: The Empires of Atlantis
Marco Vigato: The Empires of Atlantis Establishes the historical and geological reality of Atlantis and reveals its continuing influence...
Deyo, Fenton and Dunning: EA 2021, A Year in Review
Deyo, Fenton and Dunning: EA 2021, A Year in Review On this first day of the new year, January...
Michael Cremo: Ancient Wars, Vimanas, and Forbidden Archeology
Michael Cremo: Ancient Wars, Vimanas, and Forbidden Archeology Over the centuries, researchers have found bones and artifacts proving that...
Randall Carlson: Earth’s Catastrophic Past
Randall Carlson: Earth’s Catastrophic Past Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer...
Kara Cooney: The Good Kings: Absolute Power in Ancient Egypt and the Modern World
Kara Cooney: The Good Kings: Absolute Power in Ancient Egypt and the Modern World Written in the tradition of...
Maja D’Aoust: Halloween, Familiars and the Spirit World
Maja D’Aoust: Halloween, Familiars and the Spirit World A comprehensive exploration of familiars and their many forms and powers...
Hugh Newman & Jim Vieira: The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain
Hugh Newman & Jim Vieira: The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain Stories of giants being involved in the...
Andrew Collins: Gobekli Tepe, Origins of the Gods
Andrew Collins: Gobekli Tepe, Origins of the Gods Andrew Collins is a science and history writer, who has been...
Mohamed Ibrahim: Science of the Gods in Ancient Egypt
Mohamed Ibrahim: Science of the Gods in Ancient Egypt Mohamed Ibrahim was born in Memphis, Egypt and studied (Ancient...
Carole Davis & Bill Homann: The Crystal Skull Mystery
Carole Davis & Bill Homann: The Crystal Skull Mystery One of the most enigmatic and mysterious artifacts of all...
Freddy Silva: The Forgotten Gods
Freddy Silva: The Forgotten Gods Eyewitness accounts from indigenous people around the world describe how a more advanced group...
Nancy Marie Brown: The Real Valkyrie, Viking Warrior Women
Nancy Marie Brown: The Real Valkyrie, Viking Warrior Women In 2017, DNA tests revealed to the collective shock of...
Manu Seyfzadeh: Under the Sphinx
Manu Seyfzadeh: Under the Sphinx Edgar Cayce, the “sleeping prophet” predicted a century ago that records from Atlantis will...
Greg Little: The Search for Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis
Greg Little: The Search for Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis From the ancient Akashic Records, renowned psychic Edgar Cayce gives an...
Lt. Col. Ken Johnston: Top Secret, The Apollo Missions to Space
Lt. Col. Ken Johnston: Top Secret, The Apollo Missions to Space The story of Ken Johnston’s archive of historic...
Ervin Laszlo: The Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field
Ervin Laszlo: The Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field The Akashic Field is a cosmic field in which all...
Scott Creighton: The Great Pyramid Void Enigma
Scott Creighton: The Great Pyramid Void Enigma Reveals the extraordinary purpose of the newly discovered “Big Void” within the...
George Haas: The Hidden History of Mars
George Haas: The Hidden History of Mars George J. Haas is founder and premier investigator of The Cydonia Institute,...
Rev. Jim Willis: Censoring God, Why Giants, The Watcher and more were removed from the Bible
Rev. Jim Willis: Censoring God, Why Giants, The Watcher and more were removed from the Bible Why isn’t the...
Tim Freke: The Jesus Mysteries
Tim Freke: The Jesus Mysteries Drawing on the cutting edge of modern scholarship, this astonishing book completely undermines the...
Maja D’Aoust: Divination, Cultivating the God-Mind with I Ching
Maja D’Aoust: Divination, Cultivating the God-Mind with I Ching The Occult I Ching: The Secret Language of Serpents An...
Karen Mutton: Water Realms, Technology of the Ancients
Karen Mutton: Water Realms, Technology of the Ancients Water Realms is a unique book that surveys water management and...
Stephen Edred Flowers: Revival of the Runes: Wisdom of the Gods
Stephen Edred Flowers: Revival of the Runes: Wisdom of the Gods The scientific and esoteric history of runic studies...
J. Douglas Kenyon: Ghosts of Atlantis
J. Douglas Kenyon: Ghosts of Atlantis An intensive investigation into the evidence for a forgotten fountainhead of civilization lost...
Mark Carlotto: The Lost Science of Egyptian Pyramid Technology
Mark Carlotto: The Lost Science of Egyptian Pyramid Technology What if ancient sites such as Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza,...
Robert Schoch: Forgotten Civilization, Uncovering Ancient Solar Induced Catastrophes
Robert Schoch: Forgotten Civilization, Uncovering Ancient Solar Induced Catastrophes A new expanded edition of the groundbreaking investigation into early...
Michael Tellinger: Forgotten Path of the Anunnaki
Michael Tellinger: Forgotten Path of the Anunnaki Michael Tellinger is a scientist, explorer and internationally acclaimed author of...
Richard Heath: Sacred Geometry, Language of the Angels
Richard Heath: Sacred Geometry, Language of the Angels Reveals how the number science found in ancient sacred monuments reflects...
Darrell Miklos: Underwater Archaeology, The Search for Atlantis
Darrell Miklos: Underwater Archaeology, The Search for Atlantis Darrell Miklos was born on the 19th of February 1963 into...
Neil Rushton: The Faerie Phenomenon
Neil Rushton: The Faerie Phenomenon Dead but Dreaming – the novel My second novel Dead but Dreaming has just...
Teresa Cross: Secrets of the Druids
Teresa Cross: Secrets of the Druids A guide to the history and practices of the Druids and the Celtic...
Dr. Michael Salla: Lost Civilizations of Antarctica
Dr. Michael Salla: Lost Civilizations of Antarctica Antarctica is a land about to be exposed over its well-guarded secrets...
Dr. Sam Osmanagich: The Sacred Rhythm of Pyramid Science
Dr. Sam Osmanagich: The Sacred Rhythm of Pyramid Science In April 2005, Osmanagić was invited to visit Visočica...
George Mitrovic: Lost Civilizations of the Pacific Islands
George Mitrovic: Lost Civilizations of the Pacific Islands George Mitrovic was born in 1955 in Wagga Wagga in Australia....
Dr. Susan Martinez: Delusions in Science and Spirituality
Dr. Susan Martinez: Delusions in Science and Spirituality Debunks cherished theories of mainstream consensus and reveals the deeper mysteries...
Arthur Faram: The Ancients, Secrets of the Old World
Arthur Faram: The Ancients, Secrets of the Old World This book takes you into a world where knowledge, spirituality...
Earth Ancients: 2020, The Year in Review
Earth Ancients: 2020, The Year in Review Jenn Deyo, Bruce Fenton, and Cliff Dunning look at the archaeological discoveries...
Graham Hancock: America Before, Insights and Revelations
Graham Hancock: America Before, Insights and Revelations Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that...
Randall Carlson: The Younger Dryas, Earth Cycles and Sacred Geometry
Randall Carlson: The Younger Dryas, Earth Cycles and Sacred Geometry Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer,...
Erich Von Daniken: War of the Gods
Erich Von Daniken: War of the Gods Bestselling author and father of the Ancient Alien Theory Erich von Däniken...
Marco Vigato: Lost Megalithic Cultures from Mexico & Central America
Marco Vigato: Lost Megalithic Cultures from Mexico & Central America Marco M. Vigato is an independent researcher into ancient...
Andrew Collins: Exploring Stone Circles, Acoustic Science and their Application
Andrew Collins: Exploring Stone Circles, Acoustic Science and their Application Ice-age cave artists, the builders at Göbekli Tepe, and...
Constance Briggs: Mysteries of the Moon: Unknowns Ruins, Anomalies and ETs
Constance Briggs: Mysteries of the Moon: Unknowns Ruins, Anomalies and ETs Our moon is an enigma. The ancients viewed...
Mohamed Ibrahim: Lost Science from Ancient Egypt
Mohamed Ibrahim: Lost Science from Ancient Egypt Mohamed Ibrahim was born in Memphis, Egypt and studied (Ancient Egyptian, Coptic,...
Laird Scranton: Primal Wisdom of the Ancients
Laird Scranton: Primal Wisdom of the Ancients Examines how the similarities of symbols and wisdom across many cultures point...
Freddy Silva: The Shining Ones, Survivors from a Forgotten Time
Freddy Silva: The Shining Ones, Survivors from a Forgotten Time It has been a mystery how humans suddenly ‘discovered’...
Steven & Evan Strong: Strange Humans and Demonic Rings from Atlantis and Lemuria
Steven & Evan Strong: Strange Humans and Demonic Rings from Atlantis and Lemuria In consultation with Elders of Australia,...
Jared Murphy: It’s Not Aliens, It’s Us!, Part 2
Jared Murphy: It’s Not Aliens, It’s Us!, Part 2 The evidences from historical record, legends and myths are shouting...
Michael Cremo: Forbidden Archaeology: Hiding our Past at Hueyatlaco Mexico
Michael Cremo: Forbidden Archaeology: Hiding our Past at Hueyatlaco Mexico Hueyatlaco is an archeological site in the Valsequillo Basin...
Armando Mei: Zep Tepi, Egypt’s 36,400 Year-Old Legacy
Armando Mei: Zep Tepi, Egypt’s 36,400 Year-Old Legacy Armando Mei is researcher in pre-dynastic Egyptology, born in Turin in...
Maria Wheatley: The Elongated Skulls of Stonehenge
Maria Wheatley: The Elongated Skulls of Stonehenge Maria is a second-generation dowser who is a leading authority on the...
Frank Joseph: Ancient High Tech
Frank Joseph: Ancient High Tech A detailed look into ancient advanced technology, science, and medicine–some of which has yet...
Bibhu Dev Misra: The Seven Sages, Alien Gods from Earth’s Ancient Past
Bibhu Dev Misra: The Seven Sages, Alien Gods from Earth’s Ancient Past Hello. My name is Bibhu Dev Misra....
Kara Cooney: When Women Ruled the World
Kara Cooney: When Women Ruled the World This riveting narrative explores the lives of six remarkable female pharaohs, from...
Stephen Hurrell: Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth
Stephen Hurrell: Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth When Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth was first published it proposed a...
Jim Willis: Our Hidden History
Jim Willis: Our Hidden History Investigates and questions the scientific consensus on the origins of civilization Do we, the...
Adam Stokes: From Egypt to Ohio, The Giants of Ancient America
Adam Stokes: From Egypt to Ohio, The Giants of Ancient America This book examines the origins of the lost...
Normandi Ellis: Magic and the Sacred Manifesting Arts of Ancient Egypt
Normandi Ellis: Magic and the Sacred Manifesting Arts of Ancient Egypt Normandi Ellis’s books on Egyptian myth, ritual and...
Jim Vieira: Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis
Jim Vieira: Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis Jim Vieira is a stonemason, author, explorer and host of the History Channel shows...
Andrew Collins: Gobekli Tepe, Ancient Temple Lost in Time
Andrew Collins: Gobekli Tepe, Ancient Temple Lost in Time Reveals the profound influence of the Denisovans and their hybrid...
Gordon Freeman: Ancient Sun Temples of North America
Gordon Freeman: Ancient Sun Temples of North America Hidden Stonehenge is the remarkable chronicle of one man’s thrilling quest...
Lloyd Ryan: Chinese Pyramids in Canada
Lloyd Ryan: Chinese Pyramids in Canada Greatly expanding on his blockbuster 1421, distinguished historian Gavin Menzies uncovers the complete...
Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince: Leonardo da Vinci, the Church and the Turin Shroud
Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince: Leonardo da Vinci, the Church and the Turin Shroud In this fully revised and...
Earth Ancients: 2019, A Year in Review
Earth Ancients: 2019, A Year in Review The Earth Ancients team takes a look at 2019 with three unique...
Sarah Parcak: Archaeology from Space
Sarah Parcak: Archaeology from Space National Geographic Explorer and TED Prize-winner Dr. Sarah Parcak welcomes you to the exciting...
Dr. Michael Masters: Time Travel, UFO’s and Human Abductions
Dr. Michael Masters: Time Travel, UFO’s and Human Abductions This work represents a unique examination of long-term evolutionary change...
Laird Scranton: Ancient Maori Cosmology
Laird Scranton: Ancient Maori Cosmology An exploration of New Zealand’s Maori cosmology and how it relates to classic ancient...
Mohamed Ibrahim: Sacred Egyptian Science Unveiled
Mohamed Ibrahim: Sacred Egyptian Science Unveiled Mohamed Ibrahim is an Egyptologist, Hieroglyphics Expert, Tour Guide and Director Mohamed Ibrahim,...
Michael Salla: Disclosure, America’s Space Command
Michael Salla: Disclosure, America’s Space Command Dr. Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and...
Ivan Petricevic: Pyramid Cultures from Earth’s Unknown Past
Ivan Petricevic: Pyramid Cultures from Earth’s Unknown Past Ivan Petricevic grew up in the United States and Mexico, where...
William Warwick: Navigational Geoglyphs in Ancient Peru
William Warwick: Navigational Geoglyphs in Ancient Peru The enigmatic Palpa lines in Peru are not as famous as the...
Mark Booth: The Secret History of the World
Mark Booth: The Secret History of the World They say that history is written by the victors. But what...
Astronaut Ken Johnston: Ancient Astronauts in Central America
Astronaut Ken Johnston: Ancient Astronauts in Central America Ken Johnston, Sr, was one of 4 Civilian Astronaut Consultant...
Sam Osmanagich: The Bosnian Pyramid Controversy
Sam Osmanagich: The Bosnian Pyramid Controversy Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids represents the biggest complex of pyramidal structures in...
Ian Hudson: 1434, The Year China Ignited the European Renaissance
Ian Hudson: 1434, The Year China Ignited the European Renaissance The brilliance of the Renaissance laid the foundation of...
Ben Vonderheide: Unknown Origins of the Nomoli People of Africa
Ben Vonderheide: Unknown Origins of the Nomoli People of Africa NOMOLI: The Unknown “Ancient Alien Stones” Our research proves...
Jim Willis: Lost Civilizations from Earth’s Unknown Past
Jim Willis: Lost Civilizations from Earth’s Unknown Past The reminders of the Ancients are everywhere. They are saved in...
Heather Lynn: Evil Archaeology
Heather Lynn: Evil Archaeology An investigation into the historical and archaeological evidence of demons, curses, and possession featuring some...
Graham Phillips: The Druids and Healing Secrets of Stone Circles
Graham Phillips: The Druids and Healing Secrets of Stone Circles Reveals how Stonehenge was an extraordinary astronomical calendar used...
Michael Tellinger: The Lost Technologies of Enki
Michael Tellinger: The Lost Technologies of Enki Archaeological proof of the advanced civilization on the southern tip of Africa...
Ahmed Osman: Moses and Akhenaten
Ahmed Osman: Moses and Akhenaten A reinterpretation of biblical and Egyptian history that shows Moses and the Pharaoh Akhenaten...
Bruce Fenton: Earth’s Hybrid Humans
Bruce Fenton: Earth’s Hybrid Humans The world’s most intriguing question is, did an advanced alien intelligence genetically engineer the...
Freddy Silva: The Missing Lands
Freddy Silva: The Missing Lands It has been a mystery how humans suddenly ‘discovered’ civilization around 8000 BC. But...
Graham Hancock: America Before
Graham Hancock: America Before Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last...
Andrew Collins: Denisovan Origins
Andrew Collins: Denisovan Origins Reveals the profound influence of the Denisovans and their hybrid descendants upon the flowering of...
Native American Healing Plants, Cannabis & Sexuality and the Search for Atlantis
Native American Healing Plants, Cannabis & Sexuality and the Search for Atlantis Now in its 19th year, the 2019...
J.J. & Desiree Hurtak: Multidimensional Realities
J.J. & Desiree Hurtak: Multidimensional Realities The MultiDimensional Cosmology: Extraterrestrials & Beyond With Drs. J.J. & Desiree Hurtak and...
Michael Cremo: The Hidden History of the Human Race
Michael Cremo: The Hidden History of the Human Race Michael A. Cremo is research associate in history of archeology....
Mike Bara: The Bermuda Triangle Mystery
Mike Bara: The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Mike Bara, featured on the History Channel show Ancient Aliens and author of...
Jon Klimo: Oracles and Spirit Communication
Jon Klimo: Oracles and Spirit Communication Dr. Jon Klimo is widely considered to be the world’s leading authority on...
Nicholas Pearson: Stones of the Goddess
Nicholas Pearson: Stones of the Goddess Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for...
King David and the Pharaoh Tuthmosis III
King David and the Pharaoh Tuthmosis III Ahmed Osman (Arabic: أحمد عثمان) (born 1934) is an Egyptian-born author. He...
Our Evolution as Hybrid Humans
Our Evolution as Hybrid Humans Miguel Mendonça is an Anglo-Azorean writer, musician, glass artist and healer based in Bristol,...
Maria Wheatley: Dowsing Megalithic Sites in the UK
Maria Wheatley: Dowsing Megalithic Sites in the UK Maria’s main web sites are www.theaveburyexperience.co.uk and EsotericCollege.com You can contact...
Shirley Andrews: Life as a Citizen of Atlantis
Shirley Andrews: Life as a Citizen of Atlantis The legend of lost Atlantis turns to fact as Shirley Andrews...
Praveen Mohan: Sigiriya, The Sacred Sky Palace of King Ravana
Praveen Mohan: Sigiriya , The Sacred Sky Palace of King Ravana Praveen Mohan is known for his groundbreaking research...
Jock Doubleday: Mystery of the Bosnian Pyramids
Jock Doubleday: Mystery of the Bosnian Pyramids About Jock Doubleday I’m a playwright and screenwriter. I’ve written 66 plays...