Rafael Eissmann: Forgotten Civilizations of South America
Rafael Videla Eissmann (Chile, 1979) is a historian graduated from Universidad
Católica de Chile. He has developed numerous anthropological and ethno-
historical investigations on pre-Hispanic America, focusing his studies on
mythology and symbols.
Rafael is a member of the Berchtesgaden-based Privatinstitut für
Welteislehre (“Private Institute of Glacial Cosmogony”), of РОИПА (“Russian
Society for the Study of Atlantis”) and of the Italian cultural association Akakor
Geographical Exploring.
Among his main books are Crónica de la Montaña de Melimoyu (“Chronicle of
the Mountain of Melimoyu”, 2003), Roberto Rengifo y el Secreto de la América
Aborigen (“Roberto Rengifo and the Secret of Aboriginal America”, 2007), La
Cosmogonía Glacial de Hörbiger y la Doctrina del Hielo Universal (“Hörbiger’s
Glacial Cosmogony and the Universal Ice Doctrine”, 2007), El Diluvio y los
gigantes. Mitos de Chile a la luz de la Cosmogonía Glacial (“The Deluge and
the Giants. Myths of Chile in the Light of Glacial Cosmogony”, 2010), Símbolos
rúnicos en América. Con un prólogo de Vicente Pistilli (“Runic Symbols in
America”. With a Foreword by Vicente Pistilli. 2011), El Gran Diluvio. Mitos
americanos sobre la última catástrofe planetaria. Con un prólogo de Marco
Nünemann (“The Great Flood. American Myths About the Last Planetary
Catastrophe”. With a Foreword by Marco Nünemann. 2011), Mitos del Polo
Antártico. Cosmogonía y antropogonía de la civilización prediluvial (“Myths of
the Antarctic Pole. Cosmogony and Anthropogony of the Prediluvial
Civilization”, 2012), La Ciudad de los Césares y el misterio de los indios
blancos (“The City of the Caesars and the Mystery of the White Indians”, 2012),
Los Dioses Extraterrestres y el regreso de B’olon Yokte’ K’uh. Con un prólogo
de Erich von Däniken (“The Extraterrestrial Gods and the Return of B’olon
Yokte’ K’uh”. With a Foreword by Erich von Däniken. 2013), Los lituches. La
tradición de los hombres-dioses del sur del mundo. Con un prólogo de Erich
von Däniken (“The Lituches. The Tradition of the God-Men of the South of the
World”. With a Foreword by Erich von Däniken. 2014), El Símbolo Sagrado del
Sol (“The Sacred Symbol of the Sun”, 2014), Antártida, Arquinesia y la
Atlántida. Aproximaciones al poblamiento americano (“Antarctica, Arquinesia
and Atlantis. Approaches to American Peopling”, 2017), Irminsul. Simbolismo
en torno al origen de la raza polar (“Irminsul. Symbolism Around the Origin of
the Polar Race”, 2017) and La tradición sagrada de los ugha mongulala.
Tatunca Nara y el misterio amazónico (“The Sacred Tradition of the Ugha
Mongulala. Tatunca Nara and the Amazon Mystery”, 2018) –among others–.
Rafael is also a contributor to the magazines Sagenhafte Zeiten from Germany,
PaleoSETI from Canada and Ancient America from the United States.
Contact: ravidela@uc.cl