CITD Series: Sarah Breskman Cosme, A Hypnotherapist Journey to the Secrets of the Sphinx
Her hands were strapped down at her sides so she couldn’t fight, but she had no more fight left inside her. It was the 1970’s, here in America, and Christie was about to endure one of many electric shock treatments the doctors hoped would “cure” this young woman of her strange fantasies involving extraterrestrial life and worlds long lost and forgotten. Fast forward to present day, and Christie has finally found her voice, surfacing through past-life regression hypnosis to tell these truths, and reveal the secrets of the ancient Sphinx. Included in this book are fascinating accounts of life on Mars and how this colonization came to a tragic end. Also included are accounts of other clients who have never met, sharing similar stories about the Sphinx and its role in the upcoming Ascension.
“If you want to understand the information within the Sphinx, understand that life is just a game, and that this game has been going on for longer than human beings can fully comprehend in the aspect of time. We have consistently created new realms and new planets and have consecutively inhabited them. In each furtherment there is something new to be learned and uncovered that furthers us. The truth of existence is that we are ALL part of this ancient grouping of beings that have traveled from planet to planet to see what the next and the next will bring, so that we may never stop evolving.”
From the author of A Hypnotist’s Journey to Atlantis, this book takes an even deeper look into ancient truths that have the ability to change our lives forever.
Sarah Breskman Cosme is a level 3 QHHT practitioner, a Master Hypnotist, and a student of Dr. Brian Weiss. Sarah is the author of the groundbreaking book “A Hypnotist’s Journey to Atlantis” and currently lives in the Florida Keys with her husband and three children. Sarah can be contacted through her website