Brandon Herd: Ancient Mississippi, America’s Oldest Secret Revealed
While conducting research for a magazine article about a legendary Mississippi local I encountered artifacts which indicate there is substance to historical accounts of an unknown ancient civilization. One thing led to another and researcher Dr. Robert List and I located three enigmatic sites which support the theory of an ancient metal trade and the presence of an ancient Mediterranean culture in Mississippi.
This book also examines who the first Mississippians were? How they got here? And what happened to them? The time period of their presence was 10,000 BC and earlier, and the story of their likely origin and decline falls well outside of what is presented in history books.
Finally, I present a far different picture of the Native Americans living in Mississippi at the time of first contact with Europeans. This is largely based on a historical document published by the State of Mississippi prior to the adoption of the ideals of Manifest Destiny by scholars and historians of the era. The idea was that immigrants of European descent had a God given right to claim the lands of North America despite the prior occupation of indigenous cultures. A policy was adopted among academics that any evidence which depicted Native Americans as anything but savages was to be disregarded, this paved the way for thousands of sites and structures to be destroyed or built upon.
Brandon Herd is US Army veteran with service in Iraq and Afghanistan. He’s an instructor for the US Army’s Command and General Staff College as well as an ICT teacher.