Charlie Ziese: Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio
Charlie Ziese: Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio Charlie Ziese is a visionary in the field of pyramid science...
Richard Heath: Sacred Geometry, Language of the Angels
Richard Heath: Sacred Geometry, Language of the Angels Reveals how the number science found in ancient sacred monuments reflects...
Randall Carlson: The Younger Dryas, Earth Cycles and Sacred Geometry
Randall Carlson: The Younger Dryas, Earth Cycles and Sacred Geometry Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer,...
Randall Carlson: Catastrophes of Ancient Earth
Randall Carlson: Catastrophes of Ancient Earth The mission of Sacred Geometry International and The Cosmographic Research Institute to investigate...
Sonja Grace: Spirit Traveler, Unlocking Ancient Mysteries from Sacred Sites
Sonja Grace: Spirit Traveler, Unlocking Ancient Mysteries from Sacred Sites “Spirit Traveler: Unlocking Ancient Mysteries and Secrets of...
Kara Yamaguich: Super Megalithic Cultures of Ancient Japan
Kara Yamaguich: Super Megalithic Cultures of Ancient Japan In recent years the increasing number of books and programs on...
Xaviant Haze: Ancient Giants of the Americas
Xaviant Haze: Ancient Giants of the Americas Did a race of ancient giants once inhabit the Americas? Do ancient...
Randall Carlson: Ancient Mega Floods, and Earth’s Sacred Geometry
Randall Carlson: Ancient Mega Floods, and Earth’s Sacred Geometry Randall picks up where he left off from his last...
Mark Vidler & Catherine Young: Sacred Geometry of the Earth
Mark Vidler & Catherine Young: Sacred Geometry of the Earth From continent to continent across the globe, Mark Vidler...