John Shaughnessy: The Power of Pyramids
John Shaughnessy’s book, Pyrmaid Gravity Force proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that mans past and present destructive penetration into planet Earths pyramid’s has been the cause of many natural disasters around the world; The below mentioned damaged pyramids were built to prevent and or control, tectonic plate movement, volcanic activity, tidal waves, major earth quakes, land movements and the magnetic field movements here on Earth.
If I told you that every large pyramid on Earth has a sister volcano and Island located 180 degrees from said pyramid on the other side of the planet and located at the approximate same latitude of said pyramid would you believe me? This book will prove this up until now, little unknown fact. This book herein will describe a perpetual energy machine that works on gravity. It’s not a perpetual motion machine as nothing is in motion. The ancient pyramid architects refer to gravity as the divine energy source not electricity as some scholars would have you believe.
The Egyptian hieroglyphs depict the snake as divine energy gravity, the Sun disc is colored red and the snake’s body encompasses the sun disc, the energy that powers the sun is gravity. The Great Pyramid of Giza has one major energy output and that is a condensed gravity beam that shoots straight out the bottom of the pyramid to the center of the Earths solid iron core, this graviton beam then ricochet out to the exact opposite side of the planet approximately 180 degrees from said pyramid and roughly at the same latitude, this gravity beam lowers the gravitational fields roughly at the same latitude on the exact opposite side of the Earth or 180 degrees from the pyramid.
John is an author, inventor, engineer, lecturer, visionary, researcher, ancient theoretical physics no Aliens