Fritz Zimmerman: The Nephilim Chronicles, & Janet Sitchin & Anunnaki Chronicles
Did a race of giant humans once roam the Biblical lands, Europe and North America? Over 300 historical accounts of giant human skeletons are presented for the first time. Massive human skeletal remains, burial mound types, symbolism, etymology, numerology and ceremonial centers are compared in the Biblical Levant, the British Isles and the Ohio Valley with stunning similarities. Genesis 6:4, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown.”
The giant offspring of this union between the sons of God and the daughters of men were called the Nephilim. This book takes the leap from mythology to science to discover that the Nephilim were the last vestiges of primitive species; who were known for their gigantic height. The Nephlim spread from the Biblical Lands to the British Isles and the Ohio Valley. Their open-air earthen and stone temples and burial mounds, containing the remains of giants have stood the testament of time; leaving an indelible mark upon our soil. Herein are the historical accounts of the giant skeletons that have been discovered within burial mounds and subsurface tombs in the Biblical Lands, the British Isles and Europe and North America. Discover the “secrets” given to the Nephilim by the Fallen Angles.
Independent researcher, author and antiquities preservationist Fritz Zimmerman, B.A. presents 10 years of research in his two-volume work, The Nephilim Chronicles. It is the most complete reporting of ALL of the giant skeletons unearthed throughout the ages from across the globe.