Betsey Lewis: Earth and Alien Stargates
Einstein and astrophysicists have long theorized the existence of wormholes throughout the universe allowing humans to travel across time and space within minutes or hours. In Stargates, Betsey Lewis, Earth Mysteries Investigator for nearly 50 years, reveals for the first time there are countless stargate portals on planet Earth used by extraterrestrials to travel the intergalactic highway.
Stargates exist everywhere on Earth—over land under our oceans and on planets. Government and military have known about the Stargates and ETs but have denied their existence publicly until recently when Naval pilots revealed they tracked them on radar off the coast of Southern California, a hot spot for UFOs. Discover the locations of the worldwide portals where UFOs are witnessed, human abductions take place, and inexplicable events happen. Discover how ETs incorporate advanced holographic imaging to create certain historical dramas. Lewis recounts amazing stories of human abductions, human cloning, cattle mutilations, and human genetic experiments to alter DNA. The most shocking revelation is the U.S. military has been colluding with extraterrestrials for over 50 years.
In November 2017, Robert Bigelow, billionaire, and previous owner of Skinwalker Ranch for 20 years, was interviewed on CBS 60 Minutes and asked if the aliens are already here. He replied, “They are right under people’s noses.” Lewis believes Bigelow’s strange remark suggested, “aliens are right under our feet and under our oceans!”
Betsey Lewis (aka B.E. Lewis) is an author, radio personality, world-renowned psychic, and Earth mysteries investigator. At eight months old Betsey and her parents encountered a UFO in Northern Idaho and may have been abducted by aliens for two hours during their missing time. This began a lifetime of paranormal experiences for her. For over forty-five years, Lewis has investigated UFOs, cattle mutilations, ancient petroglyphs in Idaho and Nevada, ancient civilizations from the Northwest to Central America, UFOs, and other Earth mysteries. She was a keynote speaker at the 2013 UFO Conference near Las Vegas and a keynote speaker at the 2018 Stargate to the Cosmos in Albuquerque, New Mexico and has been a featured guest on Fox’s KTRV News, Coast-to-Coast AM, Ground Zero, KTALK’s The Fringe, Fade to Black, KCOR’s Hyperspace, and other popular radio shows. She predicted on Newsmax that Donald Trump would win the 2016 election six months before he was elected as U.S. President. To learn more about Betsey Lewis visit her website at: