Bethe Hagens: Earth Grids and the Art of Consciousness
Earth and Energy Grids
Bethe’s discovery of the “sky grid”, which is geometrically identical to the earth grid geometries, has links to JM Jenkins research on ancient calendars via the rhombic triacontahedron, the missing figure that she added to the icosa-dodec grid of the Russians to create the UVG format of the earth grid. Rhombs are sound generators that are key in ancient rituals of ‘spin vortexes’ that tie earth and consciousness to sky. At Caral in Peru (3000 BC) there is a spin vortex inscribed on the entry platform to a major pyramid.
Bethe Hagens’ inquiries span the relatively new interdisciplinary field of Anthropology of Consciousness—which merges cultural anthropology, neurobiology, psychology, and the arts and humanities to create theory, social action, peace, and performance art. She is currently faculty in the Individualized Bachelor of Arts program at Goddard College a doctoral faculty member in Public Policy and Administration at Walden University.